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Chaos, murder, sacrifice: it was a delicious read, and I devoured it all.
-- Dan Thompson, The Black Petal
If you’re a fan of well-written, fast-paced, fantasy thrillers that trot into the neighborhood of horror, you’ll love it...
-- Fia Essen, Ariel
Guizzetti's delusional and magically gifted anti-hero is truly terrifying...
-- Janice Clark, Healer's Apprentice Series
I was blown away...
--Madison Keller, The Dragon Tax Saga

Sitka’s Quay appears to be like every other coastal tourist town on Highway 101, but lurking below its southern grove of ancient spruce are three sleeping primordial gods. The Keeper, Dayla Fischer, must remain in control of her magical abilities or fall into sickening madness, but lives a relatively quiet life with her husband, Oliver, their cat and two garden gnomes.

That is, until the delusional, but charming Jonah Leifson comes to town with a plan to awaken the Three. Soon, children begin disappearing. With powerful suggestion spells and mind reading abilities, Jonah wins over other sorcerers, meth users, the police, and eventually even her husband. Though no one believes her and she doubts her own sanity, she must stop Jonah, before he wakes the Three and brings about the end of the world.

E-Book ISBN: 978-0-9801459-2-2
Paperback ISBN: 978-0-9801459-0-8